lia smithWelcome

Pledge of Allegiance; Welcome to New Administrators Assigned; Superintendent introduced and sought approval for: Becky Te’o as Elementary Curriculum Director; Lia Smith as Viewmont Elementary Principal, and Dr. Torilyn Gillette as Longview Elementary Principal [PASSED]

Consent Agenda

The Board approved minutes, claims, and financial report. [PASSED]


The board heard individual reports from Murray Education Association (Christy Vuyk); Murray Education Support Professional Association (Thayn Burnett); Murray Education Foundation (Doug Perry)

Report of the Board

Several different activities board members have been involved with over the Summer; They are excited for a new school year to begin with new leadership in place to bring fresh ideas.

Report of the Staff

  • PS 438 Home Centered Educational Policy – 1st Reading [PASSED]
  • RFP for Contract Early Involvement [PASSED]

Superintendent Report

  • Early Literacy Plan Approval [PASSED]
  • SB 109 Board of Education Meetings – 1st Reading [PASSED]
  • PS 428 School Fees – 1st Reading [PASSED]
  • Public Meetings for Bond Information [PASSED]

[Go Here to Review the Full Meeting Agenda and Supporting Documents]