MCSD understands many wonderful extra-curricular activities, programs, and services are available to our students and their families. To minimize disruptions and costs in our school buildings, MCSD permits non-school entities (government, non-profit, and for-profit) to use PeachJar to communicate information. PeachJar is an electronic (PDF) distribution system that communicates to families in MCSD.
This service requires that outside entities create an account in PeachJar, select the school(s) they would like to distribute to, and upload their content for MCSD consideration. MCSD reviews content at the end of each week (usually Fridays, but sometimes over the weekend) for approval. In the past, there have been nefarious organizations wanting to distribute inaccurate or inappropriate information using PeachJar in other school districts. For that reason, we will continue to review content that is uploaded for consideration.
Likewise, we encourage our families to carefully scrutinize and review the content they receive in PeachJar just as they would any advertisement published on other digital and non-digital platforms. Distribution of content on PeachJar does not constitute MCSD endorsement or recommendation of products, services, or stated claims by organizations using the platform. It is simply an efficient, no-cost, no-disruption distribution option available to the community.
Getting Started with PeachJar
Simply go to, create an account, select your school(s) for distribution, dates, and other details and your request will enter a cue for MCSD to review. Again, requests are reviewed on Fridays and sometimes weekends.
Peachjar charges a fee for this service and keeps all proceeds. MCSD does not profit from the fees. However, we understand they are minimal and much less than the cost of other forms of distribution (including paper or other digital distribution services).
Criteria for Approval or Denial
MCSD has the following criteria for approval or denial of submitted content:
- Content must be education-oriented, supporting a reasonable educational mission that would benefit our community in a positive manner;
- The content may NOT use MCSD branding unless it is sponsored by MCSD or its schools without express written consent from the MCSD administration. Further, they must clearly bear the accurate name and contact information of the sponsoring entity and cannot express or imply MCSD endorsement;
- The content may NOT promote any of the following: medical trials or studies; events or activities not suitable for children/students or the community; political, religious, or personal materials, events, activities, or viewpoints that are divisive or controversial; or divisive, demeaning, demoralizing content targeted to MCSD, its schools, or personnel.
Additional PeachJar Guidelines
PeachJar has the following criteria for denial of submitted content:
- Content that is lewd, obscene, libelous, or slanderous.
- Content that incites students to commit unlawful acts, violate school rules, or disrupt the orderly operation of the schools.
- Content that promotes any particular political interest, candidate, party, or ballot measure
- Content that proselytizes religious beliefs
- Content that positions MCSD on any side of a controversial issue
- Content that discriminates against, attacks or denigrates any group based on gender, race, age, color, religion, ancestry, national origin, disability, or other unlawful consideration.
- Content that promotes the use or sale of materials or services that are illegal or inconsistent with school objectives, including, but not limited to, materials or advertisements for tobacco, intoxicants, and movies or products unsuitable for children
- Content that solicits funds or services for an organization, except for solicitations authorized in specific MCSD Board policy. Related Murray City School District Board Policies are PS 415 and ADM 213.